Monday, March 2, 2015

When you Heal Yourself, you Heal the World

I am blessed to be half-way through Empowerment & Self Care for Healers series in Seattle, with an amazing group of budding Healers.

I was just writing some encouragement to them about a really important point, and I thought I would share it here:
  • it can be called Self-care
  • it can be called Heal yourself First
  • it can be called lots of things, but whatever we call it, it is central to being a powerful, capable, sustainable healer/giver/helper/lover:

Put our Own Oxygen Mask on First.
If we do this, we can help others.
If we don’t do this, not only can we not sustainably help others; but things will go badly for us.
So, let's live to help another day!  Let’s put our Own Oxygen Mask on First.

IN ADDITION:  When they see us put on our oxygen mask they get modeling and permission to do it themselves!  Everyone around us shifts, become more capable, their needs are met more.
To shift metaphors: THEY learn to FISH, they don't need Our fish!

In the first class, I shared the illustration of:
Fill our own cup: let the Earth fill our cup, let the Universe fill our cup, let Life fill our cup, let our Source fill our cup!

When we allow our own cup to fill up, and to overflow - we can Always Be Full... and from that place of full to overflowing, we can always be giving/helping/loving/healing... with Ease - from the overflow!

If we refuse to fill our own cup, and instead pour out to others from our own cup - we will always be thirsty, and striving... always.  The giving will COST us.

When I am thirsty, I am always Looking around for water, Taking water from whoever has it, Complaining about no water.
I become an anti-healing in the world, because I am empty, needing - I can not serve others, the world, my Source, my calling... Because I have no time - because I have to find water; and I have no energy - because I am dehydrated!

IN ADDITION: when they see us fill up our cup, they get modeling and permission to fill up their cup themselves!  Everyone around us Shifts, become more Capable, Their Needs Are Met more.  THEY learn to receive within, from the Earth, from the Universe, from Life, from their Source.  They don't need Our water, they are drinking from the Living Water that flows from within each one of us!

Jesus said love others, AS you love yourself.
If we want to love and serve others,
we MUST love and serve ourselves…  let the Earth, the Universe, Life, our Source love and serve us…
If we want to Big love, Big serve, Big help, Big heal others;
then we Must allow/invite being Big loved, Big served, Big helped, Big healed ourselves…

IN ADDITION: when we fill up with love and self-care, we not only allow love IN, more and more we BE Love in the world.  Not only do the people we want to serve get modeling and permission to Allow Love IN.
They energetically learn how to BE Love in their world.
And THEN their friends, family, workmates get a taste of this Love habit too - and so on, and so on...
We send a ripple of Love and Care out through the world... a ripple that has no end.

I say this in dozens of ways in class,
I hope we all hear it, and then BE it, deeper and deeper:
When you Heal Yourself, you heal the World.

in life,

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