Saturday, August 30, 2014

Meditation & Healing Circle: "Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with me" Sept 4, 2014. East Windsor, NJ

We will:
  • Encourage our vibration to rise and the blessing of peace to increase, within ourselves, and in the world.
  • Allow shifts that release uncomfortable energies, within ourselves, and in the world.

If I want to shift the world, I have to choose shift within me first, not them.
I very strongly believe this consciously, and I experience it spiritually.
I mean to live it.
If you do too, come experience spiritual practices that support us to actively allow peace to be stronger and more real within ourselves, in our lives, and in our world.

Shalom, Wendy

Meditation & Healing Circle: "Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with me"
Thursday, September 4, doors open: 6:30-9:30pm; circle is 7-9pm
private home in East Windsor, New Jersey

We will gather to support each other spiritually, and to add our healing energies and intentions for ourselves, our world, and our planet.

Beginners as well as advanced meditation & spiritual practitioners are welcome.
Freewill donations gratefully accepted.

We will learn and practice inner tools that assist us to:
  • Connect with our body and this reality, but not be overwhelmed by it.
  • Engage the truth of ourselves, our lives and our world; in a neutral, spiritually focused way.
  • Invite delicious healing energies from the Universe, for ourselves and those around us.
  • Let-go of energies, thoughts, feeling, habits that no longer serve.
Apply these tools to serve ourselves and our world!

In this meditation, you have the opportunity to:
  • Learn ways to actively choose to shift energy within you and around you, to make a real difference in the world.
  • Share, if you choose, your experiences a couple times during this session; but mostly you will
  • Quietly enjoy letting go and experiencing your inner world.

Doors open 6:30 and close 9:30 - plan to come early or stay late for a personal energy tune-up.
Please bring a snack to share before and after circle.

Please contact me for address.

Please register your interest on Facebook or send me e-mail

woo hoo!

If you are new to my practice, and want more information - check out:

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