Saturday, February 20, 2016

Seed a Love Revolution!

I have been teaching soul tools and supporting spiritual healing and deepening for over a decade.
My students receive amazing value: shifting their inner experiences and their outer lives in extraordinary ways.

Meanwhile, I have been shifting myself.  I stand in a very different place now.
And, I recently received revelation to share the amazing adventure of opening to our spiritual senses,  aligning with our Source, and following our unique path
- in a whole new way!

I am more excited about sharing the possibility of
Who we ARE, and How we can BE, and What we can DO in this world,
than I have ever been before:

Dare to BE Love!

In this class series, we will Practice Spiritually BEing the Love we want
  • BEing the Love we want to receive from Out There.
  • BEing the Love we want to see in our world.

We will Deepen in Love, within ourselves, to the place where:
  • We don’t have to look, act, perform, strive, or succeed in a certain way to be immersed in Love.  Love just IS.  
  • When we are overtly enjoying lots of connections and intimacy with others… or all alone.  It doesn’t matter. We are IN Love.
We will Open our ability to connect-with others, from a place of:
  • Powerful Centeredness: sure of our boundaries, honoring our space… and theirs.
  • Comfortable Safety: operating from as much of an open-hearted place, as we choose.
  • Love-Richness: with the foundation to act boldly, authentically in our relationships and in our lives.

We will Play IN Love:
  • We will allow the Love that we receive from our Source, from the Earth, from the Universe… around us and within us.
  • We will allow this Love that we Are, to uncover and to Shine. 
  • From our overflowing fullness, we will Dare to Share our true selves, and splash Love courageously throughout our world.
  • As we are awash in Love, All around us will be blessed: Our lives will beautifully shift.

Our transitions will be as safe and as gentle as you allow them to be:
  • We will incrementally shift from fear to love; from hiding and stopped to open and in action.
  • Our changes start within (regaining our spiritual freedom) and we will morph Love into our lives, as we are ready - not before!

This series: Wednesday evenings, starting February 24th, near Seattle Center.
Please mark your calendar and invite your friends.
(Contact me to figure out how you can join this vibe, even if you can’t make this class)
  • Of course we will learn dozens of tools and distinctions for operating in freedom and safety as spirit in bodies, in this world. (When I teach, this just comes... like grits at breakfast in the south ;)
  • These soul levers are powerful and effective for whatever we choose to co-create.

So, my vision is, over the next few months, WE will Seed a Love Revolution!
  • We will gather as a group, and week after week, attend-to our personal healing, growth, opening, and transformation in the context of Love. 
  • Each week, we will shift more - personally and as a group - into Love Consciousness.
  • This will create a vortex of Love.    

  • Love will flow in, through and around us all week, wherever we go. 
  • My intention: we will become a Soul Love Movement, right here in our communities, in our city, in our country, and in our world.

Dare to BE Love!
Learn more about this class series.


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