Monday, May 5, 2014

Testimonials: Changing our World

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I have spent most of life feeling out of place or awkward in my own skin. I have been working with Wendy for a little over a year now and I can’t think of anywhere else I would want to be than in this body. Wendy has helped me release the energy I have been packing and storing for others, clearing the space so I can see the true me.
- Amber Cutburth, Seattle

I have an excellent referral for an Energy Healer who can consult over Skype if you are interested. My life has transformed since doing 1-on-1's with her...
Wendy R Wolf is an amazing healer. She is totally legit, and my life wouldn't be the same without the tools she gave me for success!
- Escar Goh, Seattle

First off, thank you sooooo much for yet another amazing, fruitful, and productive session.  I really love working with you.  While I'm sure I can do this on my own now, why would I want to when I get to work with you?
You are an amazing teacher and I'm very glad you have chosen to shine your light in the world.  You have been an inspiration to me and instrumental in helping me make monumental shifts and changes in my life.  I'm very blessed to work with you and every time we meet I am reminded why. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me.
Second, Thank you so much for the meditation workshop for my friends!  Everyone said how much they enjoyed working with you and everyone got something out of it!  You are so amazing and every day I feel blessed to know you. I'm so glad I was able to share you with those amazing women!
Peace and love,
- Joe Brisson, Seattle

I put in my two weeks... Turned down several other positions in the meantime and just waited for the one that felt "right".  The energy at this place is amazing!  The pay is substantially better, plus full benefits! I am excited! It is everything I had in mind…..Thank God for Wendy - she played a major part in all this.  I should probably give God a little credit too ; )
- Danielle Lauren, Greater Seattle Area

HA! I just called to pay one of my 3 parking tickets and the guy was like “hey you know what I am going to clear this ticket for you!” No reasoning. I didn’t even ask!!!
- AC, Seattle

I just got a wonderful job...You are not going to believe how much money I am going to be making. It is insane!
I owe it to you, for giving me the tools, to find the strength I needed, to attain what i ultimately deserve.
I am so thankful for you…. Thank you again for being such a catalyst to my healing. 
-DR, Seattle

Mock ups are manifesting!!
I got a studio, and I am now working with Susan on some creative projects!!!
Life is grand, and busy!!!  Miss you!
- DR, Seattle

That was exactly what i needed! Thank you for sharing!
And now I feel empowered to go kick some ass :D
- KM, PA

Ha ha imagine that!   After our session together yesterday, today work is going a lot better.  I meditated this morning and chipped away at some of my distrust/lack of faith in self, God etc. I think its something I've been working on, but my shifts on the physical are really bringing it to the surface. There's more to work on, but I made a statement that I'm ready to start letting some of it go. Violet helped.
Kicked some ass at my job, got a link worth $1400 for free just by calling someone on the phone. Now I don't feel as frustrated, because at least I know I'm not in any chance of getting fired. And they switched me to a new task which is less frustrating. Still open to shifting work direction to a better job, but nice this one is going better.
You're such a great friend Wendy. I really appreciate you so much.
- RR, Seattle

I'm leaning on the feedback from that clairvoyant reading by your students, which profoundly changed my life.
I just scheduled a power lunch with two women lawyers. (OMG) One is chair of the family law section of the state bar association. We are responding to a movement to "reform" alimony laws in NJ.
Many thanks to you and your students.
- DH, Central NJ

Hey Wendy, just felt like letting you know that I had my meeting with the boss today and it went really well.
I was able to say all I needed to say and she agreed with me on everything, and wanted my feedback, and is looking to change things for the coming year!
-KM, NJ Shore

I just wanted to follow up with you, and thank you so much for the healing yesterday.  It has brought clarity and some action, actually.
It looks like i am moving out this weekend.  I found an apartment and i am just waiting to be approved.  And I wanted to tell you that.  It was surprisingly easy.
I had a lot of take-aways from yesterday.  And one is the 2nd chakra where I have the ability to shut it down, and do what I need to do... thank you.
- MF, Greater Seattle Area

Ahhh--thank you so so much for helping with this new awareness - WOW!
I am also working on creating what it is I actually want the outcome to be with this...
Today is the first day I leave work feeling in charge--thank you..xoxo
-BV, Central NJ

I know you don't need validation, but I just wanted to tell you that was an absolute revelation!! Feeling so powerful and full of love!
Also just so you know, what you said about this whole 'playing nice' thing being connected to my Mum and also my job makes so much sense! When I was a kid my mums two jobs were cleaning and reception work, my job is those two things rolled into one and I play the nice role a lot here!!
I walked along the beach to my car singing and could feel and hear how much clearer my throat chakra is!
Honestly all this doesn't come close to describing what a revelation this was for me!!
Thanks so much!!
Much Love
- PL, Seattle

Thank you for the reading/healing the other day.  The look you did about my diet was amazing.  I was so excited for a couple days afterward because it really felt right.
I'm working into that diet, somewhat slowly, as you suggested.  I've always struggled with carbohydrate cravings, which have suddenly gone away.
This diet is so easy for me.  In the past food has always been a struggle for me.  In "Wendy terms", this diet has helped me take the effort out of my relationship with food.
I bought red cabbage, beets and avocados.  I'm planning to make that salad.  I spoke to someone about your look who explained that cabbage (that you kept seeing) has lots of nutrients.
See ya soon!
 - LC, Central NJ

Today will be my first day trying to give up refined sugar, chocolate, desserts, etc. It is hard because sugar is in everything! But I am taking baby steps. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so nervous about this! Can you believe that?!
During my meditation last night I felt extremely empowered by God to do this. I was reaffirmed that the Candida is blocking me from God and others.  I know I can do this! For now, I am just trying to stay away from the majors and I think I will take it a step further, down the road - perhaps next week or the following week.  Thank you for all the support!  You are the catalyst in so much positive change in my life! You're support and teachings mean the world to me! <3
Much love,
- DP, Greater Seattle Area

Very interesting experience writing tonight after our session...
This time instead of the olden days of the critic just squashing the writing there was more of a dance going on.
I would follow my thread to wherever it went next, and then read it through and see how it changed direction or detracted for the main point or got me off track!
It is a recent phenomenon that the critic is making useful contributions to my writing.  I take it as a manifestation of spirit/body making peace and working together better.
... Finally I'm not having to throw everything into a piece at once as if I'd never get another chance or couldn't trust I'd ever write again or there would ever be readers again or whatever it was.
And I like the piece that I finally posted. Ha!  Great healing tonight. Shifting is so wonderful.  Great to be working together and relating again.
-YD, Seattle

Not that I am surprised but… I felt way more confident today at work. Amazing how getting that nasty energy out of my space has affected me in such a positive way!!! THANKS again for the clothes on my back! I am so grateful!
- DR, Seattle

See Testimonials: Developing your Soul Senses & Spiritual Abilities
See All Testimonials

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