Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Shine your Light: Examples

Some of the Delicious Opportunities
- that we work with often -
and can invite utilizing Soul Technology:

  •  Just BE.  This is our most important task as Human Beings, and particularly as change-makers, world-transformers, spiritual teachers, healers.  To just be - play our own tune.  And as we do this, it just so happens the song of the world shifts.
  • Behold & Reflect Glory, Light, Love...  We are All Mystics, in our own unique way.  As we allow ourselves to become who we really are, we allow more space for our unique expereince of the Divine. And this Light naturally in us, and shines out of us, making the world brighter.
  • Attain your Spiritual Maturity.  Manifest your Unique Destiny. Be the Mighty Oak that lies hidden in your Acorn.
  • BE the Change you want to see in your world. Shift, Heal, Transform your world, because you are being yourself and shifting yourself.

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