Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spiritual Direction Quotes

I have collected several quotes from Spiritual Directors from many different spiritual paths, sharing their expereince of the value of Spiritual Direction, what it Is and what it Does:

The aim of spiritual direction is the formation of a partnership between God, the directee, and the director in a holy alchemy, which lovingly upholds the directee during exploration and deepening of one’s relationship with God, others, all creation, and the higher Self… spiritual direction provides an opportunity to regularly reflect on life’s events and circumstances from a spiritual perspective. Spiritual practices, including spiritual direction, have the ability to expand one’s inner awareness where stillness, peace, happiness, and joy reside;  meditation (and other practices) ... may be offered as tools to support the directee in experiencing God in every moment of this sacred dance called life.
- Donna Woods, Philosophy of Yoga, USA

(Spiritual) direction is primarily interested in our universal spiritual experience and that necessitates the capacity and willingness to notice God through many lenses. Direction is not about telling people what to believe or how to act but working with the Spirit to discover, surface, name for themselves, and engage in what God is doing.
– Rev. Kenton Smith, Presbyterian, USA

Spiritual direction, an ancient ministry... is a relationship in which one person assists another, or others, in attending to God’s presence and call.
- Presbyterian Church, USA

Spiritual direction is the process of accompanying people on a spiritual journey. Spiritual direction exists in a context that emphasizes growing closer to God 
- Unknown author, ubiquitous use

Spiritual direction is essentially companioning someone in his or her spiritual life. Other ways of describing spiritual direction include holy listening, spiritual friendship, sacred journeying.
- Janna Larson, Roman Catholic, USA

Spiritual direction is the contemplative practice of helping another person or group to awaken to the mystery called God in all of life, and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship of freedom and commitment.
- James Keegan, SJ, Roman Catholic, USA; on behalf of the 2005 Coordinating Council of Spiritual Directors International

Spiritual guidance is being present in the moment, seeing and honoring the sacred mystery of the soul of another. It is witnessing this mystery and reflecting it back in word, prayer, thought, presence, and action. Spiritual guidance is modeling a deep relationship with the Divine and standing in faith and love with the other as that relationship unfolds. Spiritual guidance is a journey of deep healing and an affirmation of Holiness (wholeness), the Sacred, and the Mystery of all of life.
- Carol A. Fournier, MS, NCC, Interfaith Spiritual Director/Guide, USA

The object of spiritual direction is to cultivate one’s ability to discern God’s presence in one’s life — to notice and appreciate moments of holiness, to maintain an awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, to explore ways to be open to the Blessed Holy One in challenging and difficult moments as well as in joyful ones. The director serves as a companion and witness, someone who helps you (sometimes with questions, sometimes just by listening) to discern the divine where you might have missed it and to integrate that awareness into your daily life.
- Rabbi Jacob Staub, Professor Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, USA

Spiritual Direction is a time-honored term for a conversation, ordinarily between two persons, in which one person consults another, more spiritually experienced person about the ways in which God may be touching her/his life, directly or indirectly. In our post-modern age, many people dislike the term spiritual direction because it sounds like one person giving directions, or orders, to another. They prefer "spiritual companionship," "tending the holy," or some other nomenclature. What we call it doesn’t make any real difference. The reality remains conversations about life in the light of faith...
- Marian Cowan, CSJ, USA     

Spiritual Direction at Soul Tech is an active, playful, participatory game.
A combination of sharing and meditation which most folks find incredibly useful in their spiritual journey and in their life.
Read more about Spiritual Direction at Soul Tech.

Blessings on your Unique Journey,

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